Southwest Dental Arts Blog

Same-Day Ceramics: How Long do CEREC Restorations Take?

January 12, 2025

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 4:25 pm
CEREC dental crown in milling machine

Do you have a severely damaged or decayed tooth or have you recently undergone a root canal procedure? If so, your dentist will likely provide you with a beautiful, customized dental crown to protect it while restoring your smile’s appearance and functionality.

Historically, your dentist would have needed at least two appointments over several weeks to fit you with one of these prosthetics, but that’s not the case today. Many providers utilize CEREC technology to provide on the same day as your initial visit. Continue reading to learn more about how long it usually takes to make them!


6 Reasons to Replace Your Old Metal Crown

December 28, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 6:35 pm
Confident, smiling senior man

For a long time, metal crowns were the standard treatment that dentists used to protect and strengthen damaged teeth. While such crowns are very durable, they also have some big drawbacks! If you are tired of your old metal crown, you have several good reasons to get it replaced as soon as possible with a non-metal alternative. This blog post discusses just some of those reasons.


How Holiday Stress Impacts Dental Health

November 14, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 2:08 am
Woman with holiday stress

Now that the holidays are coming up, there is so much to look forward to. Whether you enjoy stringing up lights around your home, baking some of your favorite sweet treats, or spending some extra time with friends and family, you are bound to get some enjoyment from the season. However, with the holidays comes stress as well. Continue reading to learn about some of the ways that holiday stress can negatively impact your smile and what you can do about it.


4 Reasons to Visit a Family Dentist

October 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 11:56 pm
A family together at a dentist’s office.

When it comes to your oral health, there are lots of different options out there. In fact, its not uncommon for some families to have more than one dentist: one for the parents, one for the children, and maybe a specialist for teens, too. But did you know you can save time and confusion by treating everyone’s teeth at a family dentist? Here are a few more benefits of using this type of practical practice!


Same-Day VS Lab-Made Dental Crowns

September 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 11:29 pm

Dental crown next to mold of mouthDental crowns have been fabricated in laboratories for decades. However, modern restorations are often created in a dentist’s office. Advancements in technologies have streamlined the process of getting dental crowns. Although it can be difficult to embrace new techniques, here are a few benefits you’ll enjoy when choosing same-day crowns instead of lab-made restorations.


Discover the Amazing Benefits of Soft Tissue Lasers in Dentistry

August 29, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 5:07 pm
Dental team member preparing to use soft tissue laser

Have you ever cringed at the thought of visiting the dentist because you dislike how treatment feels? Scalpels and other instruments can be a bit intimidating! The good news is that dental technology has come a long way in recent years. In fact, many practices now use soft tissue lasers. What is a soft tissue laser, and how might it benefit you? This blog post explains.


Why There’s No Need to Be Afraid of Dental Implants

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 1:26 pm
A woman smiling and pointing to her smile.

There’s nothing to fear but fear itself, as the old saying goes, and that certainly holds true when it comes to getting dental implants. If you’ve been hesitant to get the ball rolling on your new smile because you’re scared of what you may have heard about them, here’s why when it comes to dental implants there’s no reason to worry.


4 Very Common Questions About CEREC Dental Crowns

May 16, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 10:30 am
Someone setting up a milling machine to craft a dental crown

Perhaps you’re considering a CEREC dental crown instead of a normal one. That’d be a fine choice – the treatment will quickly restore your tooth to working order. Even so, you likely have concerns about this option you want to address first. Going ahead with it could seem too risky if you didn’t. Well, your Boise dentist will gladly ease your concerns for you. Just keep reading to learn four common questions about CEREC dental crowns and their answers.


What Will Dental Implants Cost You?

February 4, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 4:57 am
Dental implant on a pile of money

If you’ve looked into dental implants as a tooth replacement option, odds are that you’re excited about what you’ve found. Dental implants are incredibly durable, capable of lasting for well over 30 years, and they afford patients greater bite strength than other methods of tooth replacement.

However, as with any dental treatment, you might be a little bit concerned about what the dental implant procedure is going to cost. As it turns out, this price can depend on a few factors. Here are some examples.


Smile Restoration Today: CAD/CAM Technology in Dentistry

January 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 7:02 am
A lab worker using CAD/CAM technology in dentistry

As you might know, dental tools tend to change over time. New science, machines, and materials help dentists develop their work and its results. A big instance of such change is the rise of CAD/CAM technology in dentistry. The latter boosts the dental field in varied ways, ensuring patients get better treatment results. Your local Boise dentist is happy to explain this aid. So, here’s a primer on CAD/CAM technology, how it’s used in dentistry, and whether it’s right for you.

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