Why There’s No Need to Be Afraid of Dental Implants

June 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — southwestdent @ 1:26 pm
A woman smiling and pointing to her smile.

There’s nothing to fear but fear itself, as the old saying goes, and that certainly holds true when it comes to getting dental implants. If you’ve been hesitant to get the ball rolling on your new smile because you’re scared of what you may have heard about them, here’s why when it comes to dental implants there’s no reason to worry.

You’ll Be Comfortable

Dental implant surgery is done under local anesthesia, so you’ll be kept comfortable for the entire procedure. You will be awake and able to respond to questions or requests from your dentist, but you won’t be able to feel what is going on in your mouth. If you are anxious or scared, your dentist can even prescribe an oral sedative or use nitrous oxide or “laughing gas” to help keep you calm.

Your Implants Won’t Cause a Reaction

After your implant surgery, the only “reaction” you should expect is the compliments you’ll get on your beautiful smile.  Dental implants are made of titanium, which is a metal that does not harm living tissue. That means that your bones will grow around the implant and will not react against it, nor will it rust or corrode in your mouth.

Success Rates Are High

You may have heard that some implants can “fail” but this only happens in about 5 percent of cases. Your dentist is highly skilled at not just performing dental implant surgery, but in determining if your bones are healthy enough to support an implant in the first place. If he or she believes that you are not a good candidate for the procedure, you could require a bone graft first, or you may be told it is simply not possible to attempt the surgery at all. Thus, if you are given the green light for dental implants, as long as you follow the before and aftercare instructions for the procedure, your odds of success are very high.

They’re a Sound Investment in YOU

Yes, dental implants are a bigger investment up front than other types of restorations such as dentures, but they very often turn out to be a better value with time. That’s because your dental implants last a lifetime, while dentures need to be replaced every five to ten years.

Plus, when you consider that dental implants are easier to care for (you floss and brush them just like you do your natural teeth) feel more comfortable, don’t require adhesives or soaks, and provide a much greater biteforce so you can enjoy more of your favorite foods, they practically pay for themselves!

They Will Look Great

There’s no need to be concerned about your dental implant crowns looking fake or unnatural. They can be made either from a mold of your existing teeth that require extraction, or created in a shape and size that are flattering to your face and blend in seamlessly with any remaining teeth.

Furthermore, your dentist can match the shade of your existing teeth, or you can decide together which shade you’d like for a full mouth restoration. Rest assured that you will have full control over the look of your new crowns, so you are completely satisfied with them before your surgery even takes place.

As for immediately after surgery, while your crowns can’t be placed just yet, your dentist will provide you with a temporary set of prosthetic teeth to use until you have healed. This way you can still chew and speak, and it won’t be obvious that you’ve just had dental implants installed.

Remember, it’s natural to feel a little scared of a procedure like dental implant surgery, but with a high success rate, plenty of options to manage discomfort, and the undeniable financial, maintenance, and appearance benefits, dental implants are a sound investment in your oral health.  Don’t let fear hold you back from getting the smile of your dreams. Speak to your dentist today about dental implants.

About Dr. Harless

Dr. Helen Harless has been helping generations of Boise families improve their smiles for many years, combining compassionate care with an eye for artistry and a deep understanding of the science of oral health. Dr. Harless holds Fellowship Status in the Academy of General Dentistry and is active in such prestigious organizations as the American Dental Association, Academy of General Dentistry, and American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

To schedule an appointment at Southwest Dental Arts, please visit our website or call us at 208-322-5655.

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