Gum Disease Treatment – Boise, ID

Stopping Gum Disease in Its Tracks

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a prevalent issue that affects most Americans, and though it’s called “gum” disease, it can lead to a wide range of issues that affect your pearly whites, including total tooth loss! It’s even been linked to other common health problems including an increased risk of strokes, diabetes, and heart disease. It’s something that you shouldn’t want to deal with—and fortunately, we can easily help you prevent it!

During each preventive dentistry visit, we’ll examine your gums and look for any problematic symptoms, and if anything’s detected, we’ll quickly work to address the issue through one or more options for gum disease treatment in Boise, like scaling and root planing, laser periodontal therapy, and more. Helping you maintain a problem-free smile moving forward is our top priority, and stopping gum disease in its tracks plays a large part in this.

Why Choose Southwest Dental Arts for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Safe & Gentle Gum Therapy
  • State-of-the-Art Laser Technology
  • Skilled & Experienced Hygienist

Scaling & Root Planing

If gum disease is allowed to progress past the early stages, which occurs when plaque, bacteria, and calculus (tartar) collect in the deep pockets of the teeth, it might require a more advanced set of procedures known as scaling and root planing to be treated. This process involves numbing the soft gum tissue to ensure your comfort before we utilize special instruments to remove all of the plaque and tartar that has built up beneath the gum line. This deep cleaning can effectively halt the progression of the disease.

Laser Periodontal Therapy

At Southwest Dental Arts, we’re proud to utilize state-of-the-art technology to assist with periodontal therapy, including laser dentistry. The soft tissue laser allows us to remove infected portions of gum tissue from the mouth and encourages the growth of new, healthy tissues. This also assists with bacterial reduction and decontamination—and the best part is that it’s a safe, comfortable, and conservative process! There’s very minimal bleeding and swelling involved, and many patients feel so at ease during this process that local anesthesia is rarely required.